Please provide your primary contact details

Note: This contact will be the primary contact for future correspondence relating to the FernMark Licence Programme.

Please provide your company's physical address


Postal Address
Postal Address

Please provide your business details


Type of Entity


Please choose one.


Type of Entity

Note: This is the six or seven digit company number as issued by New Zealand Companies Office.

Note: This is your New Zealand Business Number (NZBN).

GST Number


GST registration is a mandatory requirement of the FernMark Licence Programme.


Are you a Māori Business?

Select the sector that best suits your business (for reporting purposes only)


Select the option most applicable to your business:

Are you an Education institution or provider (eg. School, University, Te Pūkenga, Wānanga, or Private Training Establishment (PTE)) ?
education Options

If no, please select Education Business from the sector list.

Please confirm where your international students currently come from by selecting the countries below:
Tick the countries you’re currently exporting to:
Please select below the countries you're currently exporting to?
Tick the countries you’re currently exporting to:
Please select below the countries you're looking to export to in the next 12 months?
Please tick the countries you’re looking to export to in the next 12 months:
Please select the countries you would like to attract international students from in the next 12 months:
Please tick the countries you’re looking to export to in the next 12 months:
What is your gross annual revenue from international students in $NZD?

Please choose one.

Annual Revenue (NZ$)

Note: special offers/discounts will be applied after the application is submitted. Contact us to find out more.

What is your gross annual revenue in $NZD?

Please choose one.

Annual Revenue (NZ$)

Note: special offers/discounts will be applied after the application is submitted. Contact us to find out more.

What percentage of your business or institution is owned by New Zealand persons?

Here is a guide to help determine whether someone is a New Zealand or an overseas person.

Please provide supporting information detailing the ownership structure of your business or institution and how you calculated the above percentage.

e.g. There are 7 shareholders in XYZ Ltd – Three of these shareholders are based offshore – one in Australia and two in the USA - and collectively they own 35% of the company. The remaining 65% is held by owners here in New Zealand, all of whom meet the minimum requirements for being defined as a “New Zealand person” as per the Overseas Investment criteria.

If the percentage above differs from the New Zealand Companies Office register (if applicable), please advise why.

What percentage of your directors (or equivalent) are New Zealand persons?

Here is a guide to help determine whether someone is a New Zealand or an overseas person.

Please provide supporting information detailing the ownership structure of your business or institution and how you calculated the above percentage.

e.g. Our board consists of 8 directors, 5 of whom qualify as being “New Zealand persons” in accordance with the Overseas Investment Act guidelines. As a result 62.5% of our board are New Zealand persons.

If the percentage above differs from the New Zealand Companies Office register (if applicable), please advise why.

What percentage of your full time employees (FTE) are based in New Zealand?

Here is a guide to help determine whether someone is a New Zealand or an overseas person.

Please show how you calculated the percentage of FTEs based in New Zealand e.g. summary of staff members’ geographic location and the status of each.

e.g. We currently employ 250 full time staff across 3 countries – New Zealand, Australia and China. 189 of these staff are based across our three facilities here in New Zealand i.e. 75.6% are New Zealand persons.

Please provide an overview of your business or institution including any detail about your current export activity/experience.

e.g. XYZ Limited was established in New Zealand in 1975 and specialises in the manufacture of high value widgets. XYZ has experienced considerable growth over the past 40 years and now has offices in New York, Tokyo and Sydney with more than 5,000 full time employees.

Does your business or institution have any pending investigations/litigation in New Zealand or overseas?
Please include criminal/civil/insolvency proceedings, food safety/health and safety investigations and civil proceedings.
Are there any other issues (past, current or potential) relating to your business or institution, its owners or directors (or equivalent), or your products or services that could bring New Zealand, the New Zealand FernMark or NZ Story’s reputation into disrepute?
Products or services to be licensed

To licence your product(s), please download our product schedule. Once the schedule is complete, email it to [email protected].
We will begin our review of your application once we have received all of the information.

Almost there! How did you hear about the FernMark Licence Programme?
confirm that
  • I am duly authorised to enter into and perform my obligations under this Declaration, including the making of representations on behalf of the applicant mentioned above;
  • All information and representations disclosed or made to the New Zealand Story Group (NZ Story) by or on behalf of the applicant during the application and review process are true and correct, do not omit any material matter and are not likely to mislead or deceive NZ Story as to any material matter. I acknowledge that NZ Story is able to terminate the application and review process by notice in writing if any information or representation is found to be fraudulent or misleading;
  • The applicant’s business is not in financial difficulty or technically insolvent (this includes not having a liquidator, receiver, manager or similar person appointed in respect of any of its assets) and the applicant satisfies the solvency test as defined in section 4(1) of the Companies Act 1993 as follows:
    • it is able to pay its debts as they become due in the normal course of business; and
    • the value of its assets is greater than the value of its liabilities, including contingent liabilities;
  • I acknowledge that NZ Story or its representatives may audit our business to verify the information provided is true and accurate, to NZ Story’s satisfaction;
  • I have read the FernMark Licence Agreement and if accepted into the FernMark Licence Programme the applicant agrees to comply with the terms of that agreement (which are non-negotiable) relating to its use of the FernMark, including the FernMark Marketing Guidelines, which are also referred to in that agreement;
  • I understand that this application is personal to the applicant and only applies to the applicant’s products included in this application or added during the review process. If this application is successful, the applicant acknowledges that the New Zealand FernMark may not be sub-licensed by the applicant or given for use to any third party without the express prior permission of NZ Story;
  • I authorise NZ Story to share information relating to this application with third parties only where necessary for the application and review process, including for undertaking relevant background checks and audits, etc;
  • I acknowledge that NZ Story is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and that information relating to this application may be required to be used or disclosed as required by law, Ministers or parliamentary questions; and
  • The applicant’s corporate values support and promote the New Zealand Story values of kaitiaki, integrity and resourcefulness (refer to NZ Story - Our Core Values).